An Efficient Pipeline for Cell Fluorescence Measurements


Luke Hammond provided a comprehensive guide on the calculation of CTCF here. Hammond’s guide involves taking measurements in ImageJ, then export data to a spreadsheet application to perform calculations. This is a simple task but such repetitive procedures can be quite dull and sometimes induce mistakes. So I have created a MATLAB application to largely reduce manual procedure. A standalone version is also available for MacOS.


A valid MATLAB license is required to run the app within MATLAB. To install standalone version, MacOS and a good internet connection are required.


Load an image by using the ‘Load Image’ button. If your image is a true colour RGB image, select the colour channel for which ROI is to be drawn from the dropdown menu, skip this step if you have loaded a greyscale image.

You may draw ROIs for cellular objects and background using the MATLAB Polygon, Circle, Freehand and Assisted Freehand tools. Begin drawing an ROI by selecting one of the drawing tools. You may cancel drawing anytime before the ROI is closed using the ‘Esc’ key. Right-click an ROI to view the “Delete” option. When you have selected all ROIs, save data and return to the main UI by clicking the ‘Apply’ button. The ROIs for cells and background should be drawn in an alternating fashion, beginning with a cell ROI. That is, Cell 1-> Background 1 -> Cell 2 -> Background 2 …. The ROI Labeller will remind you of which type you ought to delineate at all time.

Select the colour channel(s) for which CTCF is measured by ticking the corresponding checkboxes. Perform measurements by clicking on the ‘Calculate CTCF’ button. The results will be displayed as a table in pop-up windows.

Note: If you have deleted an ROI, the labeller will ask you to replace that object immediately. New ROIs can be created once it has been replaced. The default tool for replacement is Freehand.

Video Demonstration


Donwload MATLAB App Donwload MacOS Installer


14th August 2021

13th August 2021 v0.1.2 update addresses several issues in the previous versions:

New features are added:

11th August 2021 The release of v0.1.1 improves performance and stability. This update also introduced minor changes to the GUI.

10th August 2021 A MATLAB app v0.1.0 is now available and can be installed from MATLAB add-on explorer. The app is user friendly and does not require programming. A standalone version of this program is now available on MacOS. The app depends on MATLAB Runtime (~600MB). The installer will automatically download and install this from MATLAB’s server. This is a good option if you do not have MATLAB installed.

6th August 2021 Pre-release of MATLAB command-line program.